Barkas Valantis
Earthmoving - Excavations - Bucket Rentals - Transportation of Earthmoving Vehicles - Recycling & Trade of Aggregate Materials - Kos

The company BARKAS VALANTIS, which is located in Kos, has been active for several years in the field of earthworks and can undertake and carry out any kind of earthworks, consistently and professionally serving Kos and the surrounding islands. We have the dynamics to carry out high-demand projects. Our experience in large technical projects, our modern equipment and our highly trained operators result in the efficient and always on-time completion of the work.

Having undertaken and carried out major projects on the island, our company can cover any need you may have for earthworks, such as demolitions, backfilling, embankments, landscaping, road opening, excavating. Also, our company can undertake foundation excavations, aggregates, other earthworks, public and private technical works, subcontracts in similar projects, infrastructure projects in municipalities and communities, such as water supply, irrigation, drainage, etc., as well as projects road construction.


Deforestation plots

Deforestation plots

With proven experience and expertise, we undertake the deforestation of plots with precision and respect for the environment.

Excavation for Sewers

Excavation for Sewers

We provide specialized excavations for drains, ensuring the smooth flow of water.

Recycling & Trade of Inert Materials

Recycling & Trade of Inert Materials

We undertake the recycling and trade of inert materials (WEEE) with the aim of creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Landscaping and Gardening

Landscaping and Gardening

We create impressive outdoor spaces and beautiful gardens that reflect the nature and aesthetics you desire.

Road Openings

Road Openings

We undertake the creation and upgrading of roads with expertise and safety.

Interior Design

Interior Design

We redefine your interior spaces, offering functionality and aesthetics.

Port and River Dredging

Port and River Dredging

With our experience, we carry out dredging with precision and in compliance with all safety standards.

Drainage Networks

Drainage Networks

We contribute to flood prevention with our dredging, ensuring effective drainage.

Bucket and Earthmoving Vehicle Rentals

Bucket and Earthmoving Vehicle Rentals

We have a variety of specialized equipment to meet your every need.